"O, Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust..."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sorry it's been so long...

Okay, so I didn't do so well with the "keeping up with blogging" idea! Instagram came along, and well...need I say more? So we have been quite busy lately...Farmlife is not a sit on your 'hiney' life! Our garden is growing quite nicely with all this rain we have been blessed with. We should have our first squash this week, we have had three tomatoes, no one tasted because girdlemcgee ate them on the way to the house :), and two green peppers, which were supposed to be yellow. Hey, at least they grew! Our chickens, well, they are getting on my nerves... I love them, but they aren't laying like they are supposed to be...well, not like I think they should be! Who am I to judge, it HOT out there, not sure I'd want to be laying an egg either! So in other news, I have a booth at the farmer's market, with my sister, who sells her homemade lye soap. I have been busy sewing away! I have sold a few things to some friendly customers on IG, and a few things at the market. Now, its time to step out there and open an Etsy shop. There, I said it and now I'm gonna do it! Tomorrow Soon! I have to work out the details, like how to customize your heading and all that jazz. I will have all sorts of things there, key fobs, Kleenex holders, mason jar cozy, pillowcase dresses, girls hair bows, headbands, aprons, and lots of other things to come. My shop name will be.... girdlemcgee. When Virginia Rae was little, I called her 'gert', and William started calling her 'girdle', so then he later added McGee to it and it kinda stuck. So, I will name the shop after her. It will be girdlemcgee from Heritage Family Farm, I think.